History of the founder: St. Jerome Emiliani (1481 - 1531)

Jerome Emiliani was born in Venice, Italy in a rich family. He became a military commander for Venice in charge of a fortress. When the enemies, captured the fortress, he was dragged off and imprisoned. There in the dungeon, Jerome decided to get rid of the chains that bound him. He let go of his worldly attachments and embraced God. Jerome devoted himself to service of the poor and the suffering around him. He felt a special call to help the orphans who had no one to care for them. All the loved ones who would have protected them and comforted them had been taken by sickness or starvation. He would become their parent, their family. Using his own money, he rented a house for the orphans, fed them, clothed them, and educated them.

He committed his whole life and all he owned to helping others. He founded orphanages in other cities, a hospital, and a shelter for prostitutes. This grew into a congregation of priests and brothers that was named after the place where they had a house: the Clerks Regular of Somasca. He fell sick and died in 1537 at the age of 56.He is the patron saint of abandoned children and orphans. The fire of service that he set is carried out by the Somascan Fathers in the various parts of the world.

History of our College

In view of serving the poor students of the rural area St. Jerome’s PU College was erected in the year 2012 and got approved from the PU board of Karnataka on 23. 08.2012. It stated with 30 students at the beginning and went on to grow year by year. The college got the approval on 06.06.2014 from the University of Bangalore to start a Degree course (B.com) in the same campus. It started its first batch in 2017 with 19 students. Now the college serves hundreds of Students. It focuses not only on syllabus of the curriculum but also trains the students with life skills and courage to face the realities of life. It imparts quality education by the using the best mode of teaching. We have well equipped and friendly faculty, who have the attitude of service and dedication in teaching. We believe in discipline, which is the hall mark of a responsible citizen. The campus has a more of a family atmosphere which helps to get educated for life in a holistic way. Enter the campus to feel the difference.

our story

Salient Features

  • Discipline is the hallmark of the College
  • Instilling of human values and social commitment
  • Competency development to pursue Higher Education and face the global job market
  • Life skills teaching that enhance the living standards
  • Mentoring, personal counseling and regular follow up
  • Eco-Friendly ambience with safety measures

meet our principal & teachers

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Fr. Agnal Amalan, CRS


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Fr. Raju, CRS


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Acedemic Coordinator


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Ms.Prema Coordinator(Degree)


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Mrs.Jish Coordinator(PU)

Lecturer-Computer Science

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Ms.Mariella Jeniffer


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Mrs.Priya Evangelin

Lecturer-Business Studies

meet our non-teaching staff

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Office Assistant

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Office Staff

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Office Staff

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College Anthem

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